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Requested article * Les expérimentations de télémédecine en établissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes en France : revue de la littératureGER-E-TEC: TELEMONITORING PROJECT FOR ELDERLY RESIDENTS IN NURSING HOMESHow to improve the quality of the care of elderly subjects in nursing homes nowadays? Ger-e-Tech, a telemonitoring project dedicated to nursing homesState of Art of Telemonitoring in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, with a Focus on Elderly PatientsTelemedicine for Chronic Heart Failure: An UpdateThe current state-of-the-art technologies at the service of diabetic patientsCurrents Technologies at the Service of the Diabetic Patients: State of the ArtCurrent Researches on Telemonitoring in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Narrative ReviewFocus on the Different Projects of Telemedicine Centered on the Elderly in FranceResults of the Experimentation of a Platform for Automated Detection of Situations at Risk of Cardiac Decompensation (E-Care Platform) in Elderly Patients with Multiple ComorbiditiesTelemedicine in Patients with Chronic Diseases: The Time of Maturity !Telemedicine for Patients with Chronic Disease or for Elderly Patients: An Opportunity for the Family Doctor !Telemedicine in Chronic Diseases in France: A Review, with a Focus on Projects Dedicated to Heart Failure and Diabetes MellitusUn télé-suivi de l’insuffisance cardiaque aux mains du médecin traitantTelemedicine to Monitor Elderly Patients with Chronic Diseases, with a Special Focus on Patients with Chronic Heart FailureExpérimentation d’une plateforme de détection automatisée des situations à risque de décompensation cardiaque (plateforme E-care) dans une unité de médecine interneExperimentation of an e-platform to detect situations at risk of cardiac impairment (platform E-care) in an internal medicine unitE-Care Project: A Promising E-Platform for Optimizing Management of Chronic Heart Failure and Other Chronic DiseasesMonitoring Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Using a Telemedicine Platform: Contribution of the E-Care and INCADO ProjectsHome Care Security (HOCAS) : A Telemedicine Project to Monitor Patients with Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation under Anticoagulation at Homee-Health: a promising solution for the optimized management of chronic diseases: Example of the a national e-Health project E-care based on a e-plateform in the context of chronic heart failureUtilisation des nouvelles technologies et de la télémédecine en médecine généraleProjet E-care : déploiement d’un système de détection automatisé des situations à risque de décompensation cardiaque dans une unité de médecine interneE-santé : une solution d’avenir pour une prise en charge optimisée des pathologies chroniquesE-care : évolution ontologique et amélioration des connaissances pour le suivi des insuffisants cardiaquesOntologies et intégration des connaissances pour un suivi polypathologiqueAdding ontologies based on PCG analysis in E-care projectEnhancing eHealth Information Systems for chronic diseases remote monitoring systems
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